
淡淡幽情~~但願人長久,千里共嬋娟~~ (可以點來聽)



Teresa Teng's opening introduction --

(From 02:13) 相看淚眼 (xiang kan lei yan), Teary Eyes At Each Other, 作詞:[宋]柳永《雨霖鈴》 Poem: Yu Lin Ling, by Liu Yong from the Song Dynasty

(From 06:01) 芳草無情 (fang cao wu qing) The Grass Has No Feeling. 作詞:[宋]范仲淹《蘇幕遮》Poem: Su Mu Zhe, by Fan Zhong-Yan from the Song Dynasty.

(From 09:03) 欲說還休 (yu shuo huai xiu) Refrain From Speaking My Mind 作詞:[宋]辛棄疾《醜奴兒》 Poem: Song of Ugly Slave, by Xin Qi-Ji from the Song Dynasty.

After a specific introduction to Li Yu (李煜):
(From 13:18) 胭 脂 淚 (yan zhi lei) Rouged Tears 詞牌: 烏夜啼 (Song lyrics: Bird Sings At Night)

[南唐] 李煜 相見歡詞 (Southern Tang) Li Yu (Joyful Rendezvous).

(From 16:16) 幾多愁 (ji duo chou) How Much Melancholy 詞牌: 虞美人 (Song lyrics: Papaver rhoea) Poem: Yu Mei Ren, by Li Yu of Southern Tang Dynasty.

(From 19:48) 獨上西樓 (du shang xi lou) Alone Ascending The West Chamber. 詞牌: 哀思 (Grief / Ai si), segment of 相見歡 (Joyful Rendezvous), by Li Yu of Southern Tang Dynasty.

Thereafter, each song has a special verbal introduction by Teresa Teng:

(From 24:06) 但願人長久 (dan yuan ren chang jiu) Wish We Live Long Lives. 水調歌頭 Poem: Song By The River (shui diao ge tou) by Su Shi (蘇軾) from the Song Dynasty.

(From 29:49) 思君 (si jun) Thinking Of You. 作詞:[宋] (李之儀)卜算子. Poem: Method To Divide Numbers, by Li Zhi-Yi from the Song Dynasty.

(From 35:03) 人約黃昏後 (ren yue huang hun hou) Dating By Twilight. 作詞:[宋](朱淑真) 生查子 Poem: Lantern Festival, by Zhu, ShuZhen from the Song Dynasty.

(From 39:17) 有誰知我此時情 (you shui zhi wo ci shi qing) Who Now Knows My Feeling. 作詞:[宋] (聶勝瓊) 鷓鴣天. Poem: Partridge Day, by Nie Sheng-Qiong from the Song Dynasty.

(From 44:38) 萬葉千聲 (wan ye qian sheng) Echoes Of Countless Leaves. 作詞:[宋] (歐陽修) 木蘭花 Poem: Magnolia Flower, by Quyang, Xiu from the Song Dynasty.

(From 48:35) 清夜悠悠 (qing ye you you) Lingering Clear Night. 词牌: [宋](秦少游) 桃源憶故人 Poem: Remembering An Old Friend In The Peach Orchard, by Qin, Shao-You from the Song Dynasty.


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